Information for Authors


Information for Authors


As peer-reviewed archival publications, all accepted papers will be hosted on IEEE Xplore. Prospective authors are invited to submit high-quality papers representing original work. Submissions along the theme, as well as all areas of intelligent robots and applications, are welcome.

Full papers should be up to six pages (US letter size) in length, in standard two-column IEEE Conference Proceedings format with up to two extra pages (100 USD charge per extra page, payment should be made after the acceptance).

Short papers should be up to four pages (US letter size) in length, in standard two-column IEEE Conference Proceedings format with up to two extra pages (100 USD charge per extra page, payment should be made after the acceptance).

In both cases, the number of pages includes the references, appendices, etc.

Late breaking research abstracts & industry abstracts should be in the form of two-page abstracts. These will only be published in the on-line conference proceedings available to registrants and NOT IEEE Xplore. Abstracts use the same template as full and short papers, but are limited in length to two pages.

For paper or abstract submission, please use the template provided by the papercept system:

See also templates and instructions at

How to Submit

  • Step 1: Visit

  • Step 2: Find TELEPRESENCE 2024
  • Step 3: Click Submit a contribution to TELEPRESENCE 2024
  • Step 4.1: Regular Paper

If submitting a regular paper, please choose category “Regular Papers”

  • Step 4.2: Short paper

If submitting a short paper, please choose category “Short Papers”

  • Step 4.3: Late-breaking research abstract

If submitting a late-breaking research abstract, please choose category “Late breaking Abstract”

  • Step 4.4: Industry abstract

If submitting an industry contribution/abstract, please choose category “Industry paper ”